Booking - more information
season 26.5. - 7.9. 2025
main season 3.7. - 31.8. + Whitsun (4. - 11.6. 2025) (main season mobilehomes 17.7. - 31.8. 2025)
Mobilehomes while not main season min. 3 nights stay (100% payment in advance), in main season min. 7 nights stay (50% payment in advance) We don´t book campsite spots for 1-2 nights in advance (caravans, tents, cars, etc.) In case of booking specific spot or category for min. 7 night stay this is possible and recommended for the main season (50% payment in advance), stay shorter than 7 nights - this has to be arranged during check-in at reception at arrival. Booking via telephone is not possible.