Template settings

Modules configuration table

This table shows theme modules settings. Please make sure you have read theme documentation.

1 - Social media
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: copyright
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 2
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
2 - Search
  • Type: mod_search
  • Position: 404-search
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 0
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
3 - Login or register
  • Type: mod_socialloginandsocialshare
  • Position: fixed-sidebar-right
  • Class Suffix: login
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
4 - TM Ajax Contact Form
  • Type: mod_tm_ajax_contact_form
  • Position: contact-form
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Contacts
  • Additional info:  
5 - Detailed
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: pricing_detailed center
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 12
  • Pages: Pricing
  • Additional info:  
6 - Simple
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: pricing_simple center
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 26
  • Pages: Pricing
  • Additional info:  
7 - Data Table
  • Type: mod_articles_single
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: data-table
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 25
  • Pages: Pricing
  • Additional info:  
8 - Main menu
  • Type: mod_icemegamenu
  • Position: top
  • Class Suffix: home_menu
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
9 - Mirum est notare quam
  • Type: mod_caroufredsel
  • Position: mainbottom-3
  • Class Suffix: center
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
10 - Contacts
  • Type: mod_custom
  • Position: map
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 0
  • Pages: Contacts
  • Additional info:  
11 - Counters
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: center skills title
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 24
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
12 - Skills
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: mainbottom
  • Class Suffix: center skills title
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
13 - Accordion 1
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style1
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 6
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
14 - Accordion 2
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style2
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 18
  • Pages:
  • Additional info:  
15 - Bootstrap Tabs
  • Type: mod_bootstraptabs
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 19
  • Pages:
  • Additional info:  
16 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit am
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: mainbottom-2
  • Class Suffix: center
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
17 - Fusce suscipit varius
  • Type: mod_articles_single
  • Position: feature
  • Class Suffix: center
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: About
  • Additional info:  
18 - Categories
  • Type: mod_articles_categories
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix: no_padding
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
19 - What we offer
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix: list1
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 2
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
20 - Careers accordion
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: careers-accordion-1
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style2
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
21 - Apply now
  • Type: mod_tm_ajax_contact_form
  • Position: aside-right
  • Class Suffix: careers_form
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Careers
  • Additional info:  
22 - Requirements
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: careers-accordion-requirements
  • Class Suffix: requirements
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
23 - What we Expect from you?
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: careers-accordion-expect
  • Class Suffix: expect
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
24 - Careers accordion
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: careers-accordion-2
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style2
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
25 - Careers accordion
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: careers-accordion-3
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style2
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
26 - Careers accordion
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: careers-accordion-4
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style2
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
27 - Pages
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: site_map
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 14
  • Pages: Site map
  • Additional info:  
28 - Blog posts
  • Type: mod_articles_category
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: site_map
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 16
  • Pages: Site map
  • Additional info:  
29 - Portfolio posts
  • Type: mod_articles_category
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: site_map
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 17
  • Pages: Site map
  • Additional info:  
30 - Our team
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: team_team
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 15
  • Pages: Our team
  • Additional info:  
31 - Frequently asked questions
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix: accordion accordion_style2
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 13
  • Pages: FAQs
  • Additional info:  
32 - What we do
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix: list1
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
33 - About
  • Type: mod_articles_single
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix: menu_about
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
34 - Packages
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix: pricing pricing_simple
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
35 - TM Ajax Style Switcher
  • Type: mod_tm_style_switcher
  • Position: fixed-sidebar-left
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
36 - Olark
  • Type: mod_tm_olark_chat
  • Position: fixed-sidebar-right
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
37 - Newsletter
  • Type: mod_acymailing
  • Position: bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
38 - Tabs
  • Type: mod_bootstraptabs
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 4
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
39 - Accordion 2
  • Type: mod_bootstrap_collapse
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 7
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
40 - Progress Bars Horizontal
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 22
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
41 - Table
  • Type: mod_articles_single
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 8
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
42 - Detailed
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 11
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
43 - Pricing Tables
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 10
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
44 - Accordions and Toggles
  • Type: mod_custom
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 5
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
45 - TM Youtube background control
  • Type: mod_custom
  • Position: video
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
46 - Menu search
  • Type: mod_finder
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 0
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
47 - Menu search
  • Type: mod_search
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
48 - Login or register
  • Type: mod_socialloginandsocialshare
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
49 - Top menu
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: top
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 2
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
50 - Login or register
  • Type: mod_socialloginandsocialshare
  • Position: modal
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
51 - Slider
  • Type: mod_image_swoop
  • Position: header
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
52 - Contacts
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: footer
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
53 - Contact Form
  • Type: mod_tm_ajax_contact_form
  • Position: footer
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
54 - Claritas est etiam
  • Type: mod_articles_single
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
55 - Custom menu
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 3
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
56 - Duis ultricies pharetra
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 2
  • Pages: About
  • Additional info:  
57 - Donec sit amet eros
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: maintop
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: About
  • Additional info:  
58 - Need useful advice? You're in the right place!
  • Type: mod_articles_single
  • Position: mainbottom-4
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: About
  • Additional info:  
59 - Dlor dapibus eget elementum vel cu
  • Type: mod_caroufredsel
  • Position: mainbottom-5
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: About
  • Additional info:  
60 - Progress bars
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 20
  • Pages: Elements
  • Additional info:  
61 - Megamenu #1
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 0
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
62 - Megamenu #4
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
63 - Megamenu #3
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
64 - Megamenu #2
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
65 - Megamenu #6
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
66 - Megamenu #5
  • Type: mod_menu
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
67 - Banners
  • Type: mod_banners
  • Position: megamenu
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: no
  • Order: 0
  • Pages: All
  • Additional info:  
68 - Video
  • Type: mod_tm_bg_youtube
  • Position: video
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Home
  • Additional info:  
69 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit am
  • Type: mod_articles_news_adv
  • Position: content-bottom
  • Class Suffix:
  • Show Title: yes
  • Order: 1
  • Pages: Testimonials
  • Additional info:  

Enjoy your holiday


Modern mobilehomes are the highest level of the accommodation nowadays. The combination of comfort, reliability and easy usage - this option is one of the most asked. We recommend reservation in advance. Doesn´t matter whether your look for a hotel, holiday apartment in Cheb, guesthouse, cottage, chalet at lake Jesenice , villa or just a hut somewhere in the region Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad). Check some pictures of our mobilhomes. Here on the site you can find more information, pricelist, photos and video. In case of questions please feel free to contact us. Our accommodation is located inside the campsite Václav area, at lake Jesenice, nearby historical town Cheb (Eger - ger.) in the west part of Czech republic (also known as "spa triangle"). Easy to arrive by car, motorbike, train, even plane :) there is a small freetime airport nearby. During the summer holiday season we recommend contact via email. Have a good time, watch your health and see you on holiday! Your campsite team Václav

Check our customer experience

Customer experience
Edwin wrote review about mobilehome

Ein wunderschöner Urlaub im Mobilhome Flores. Alles sehr sauber und schön ausgestattet.Ausreichend für vier Erwachsene. Mit Küche , TV, Dusche und seperater Toilette. Man kann es nur weiterempfehlen. Für Kinder ein schön angelegter Spielplatz. Auch für Erwachsene genug Möglichkeiten sich Sportlich zu Betätigen. Man kann Camping Vaclav nur weiterempfehlen. Macht weiter so.

Edwin, Germany
Erich wrote review about mobilehome

Wir waren mit allen sehr zufrieden, deshalb auch überall 5 Sterne. Verpflegt haben wir uns selbst, daher keine Bewertung. Allerdings kann man auf dem Campingplatz auch Essen gehen und es schmeckt hervorragend. Personal ist sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend, man ist auch sehr bemüht alles für die Camper zutun.Wir wünschen dem Team alles gute für die Zukunft.

Erich, Germany
Valentin, accommodation guest review

Sehr schöner Campingplatz! Toiletten sind sauber und Duschen ist kostenlos. Die mobile Wohnungen sind groß und sauber, Toilette sehr klein aber für kleine Geschäfte in Ordnung. Mitarbeiter sind freundlich und sprechen deutsch, auch ein gutes Restaurant am Campingplatz. Der Spielplatz hier ist sehr groß und die Kinder haben hier echt viel! Langweilig gibts hier nicht :D Wir sind zum 3ten Mal hier :)

Valentin, Germany